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Changes to Company Size Criteria and Abridgement Exemptions

Company Law Advisors

Changes to Company Size – Micro Company, Small Company, Medium sized Company, Large Companies and Groups




Today the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD, signed into law the “European Union (Adjustments of Size Criteria for Certain Companies and Groups) Regulations 2024.”   This resulted in increases in the balance sheet and turnover thresholds for ‘micro’, ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’ companies in the Companies Act 2014 by circa 25%.  The effect of this change in size is that more companies will move into the micro and small categories and, as a result, benefit through (i) abridged reporting requirements and (ii) the audit exemption.




What’s New?

On 24th  December 2023, the EU Delegated Directive (2023/2775/EU) came into force. It increased the total balance sheet and turnover thresholds for micro, small, medium and large companies, including groups, as set out in the Companies Act 2014, by approximately 25% to account for inflation.  The measures will apply for financial years beginning on/after 1st January 2024.  This will enable companies to benefit immediately from the adjusted thresholds.  Companies can elect to apply the new thresholds either (i) to financial years beginning on/after 1st January 2024 or (ii) to financial years beginning on/after 1st January 2023.


E.U. member states have until 24th December 2024 to bring this legislation into effect.


Today, 19th June 2024, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke, TD signed into law the European Union (Adjustments of Size Criteria for Certain Companies and Groups) Regulations 2024 (S.I. No. 301 of 2024) which comes into operation on 1st July 2024.


These size thresholds are contained in sections 280A to 280I of the Companies Act 2014.


Company size is typically determined by the company meeting two out of the three size criteria. Other relevant factors also apply.


These adjustments will result in more companies being categorised as micro or small which will, as a result, benefit from the abridgement and audit exemption.  These changes are to apply to financial years commencing on or after 1st January 2024.



What are the increased company size criteria/thresholds?


The increased size criteria/thresholds are as follows:


  • Micro Company –a balance sheet total not exceeding €450,000, a net turnover not exceeding €900,000 and no more than 10 average employees.


  • Small Company – a balance sheet total not exceeding €7.5 million, a net turnover not exceeding €15 million and no more than 50 average employees.


  • Small Group- group balance sheet total not exceeding €7.5 million net (or €9 million gross), group turnover not exceeding €15 million net (or €18 million gross) and no more than 50 average employees.


  • Medium Sized Company – a balance sheet total not exceeding €25 million, a net turnover not exceeding €50 million and no more than 250 average employees.


  • Medium Group- group balance sheet total not exceeding €25 million net (or €30 million gross), group turnover not exceeding €50 million net (or €60 million gross) and no more than 250 average employees.


  • Large Company – a balance sheet total not exceeding €25 million, net turnover not exceeding €50 million and more than 250 average employees.





  • The legislation comes into effect from 1st July 2024


  • The measures apply for financial years beginning on or after 1st January 2024.


  • Companies may elect to apply the measures on or after 1st January 2023.


  • Large company continues to be one that does not qualify as micro, small or medium in accordance with the above.


  • All other qualifying conditions remain the same.




Please click for Regulations:




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