Revenue has published a reminder of the payment dates for Local Property Tax (LPT) in 2021.
The payment date depends on the payment method selected:
- 1st January 2021 is the payment date if you are paying by (a) deduction at source from salary, (b) pension, (c) certain Government payments or (d) making regular payments to a payment service provider
- 11th January 2021 is the date for paying in full by cash, cheque, credit card or debit card.
- 15th January 2021 is the date for monthly direct debit payments beginning in January and continuing on the 15th of each month.
- 22nd March 2021 is the deduction date for Annual or Single Debit Instruction.
For further information, please follow the link: https://www.revenue.ie/en/property/local-property-tax/what-to-do-in-2021/filing-and-payment-deadlines.aspx