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Revenue has clarified the following points:

The “Late” surcharge could apply to a taxpayer’s Income Tax Return in circumstances where the taxpayer is not fully LPT compliant by the time the Income Tax Return is filed.

This surcharge will not exceed the amount of LPT due where the taxpayer subsequently returns and pays his/her Local Property Tax.

For those taxpayers who pay and file via ROS, the surcharge won’t apply where the individual is LPT compliant by the extended deadline date i.e. 14th November 2013.


What about payment options for 2014?

Where the taxpayer has elected to pay the LPT via the phased payment option for 2013 that option will automatically apply for 2014.

For taxpayers who have made a once off lump sum payment in 2013, Revenue will contact the taxpayer in the last quarter of 2013 to establish their preferred payment option for 2014.



The due date for filing paper LPT Returns is Tuesday, 7th May 2013.

The deadline for filing via the ROS System is 28th May 2013.

If the taxpayer has not received an LPT Return from Revenue, he/she can file on line by selecting “I have not received a Property Pin” on the LPT website at