EWSS Tax Advice

EWSS Eligibility from 1st July 2021


The Finance (Covid-19 and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 has extended the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) until 31st December 2021.


It also amended the comparison periods for determining eligibility for EWSS for pay dates from 1st July 2021.


The main criterion for eligibility is that employers must be able to prove that they were operating at no more than 70% of either (a) turnover or (b) customer orders received for the period 1st January to 30th June 2021 as compared with 1st January to 30th June 2019.  It must also be able to clearly demonstrate that this disruption was caused by Covid19.


In other words, an employer must be able to show, to the satisfaction of Revenue Commissioners, that their business is expected to suffer a 30% reduction in turnover or customer orders, which was due to Covid19.


Simultaneously, Revenue introduced a new requirement for employers to submit a monthly Eligibility Review Form (ERF) on ROS.  The ERF requires (a) data relating to actual monthly VAT exclusive turnover or customers order values for 2019 in addition to actual and projected figures for 2021 for all relevant businesses as well as (b) a declaration.


The initial submission should be made between 21st and 30th July 2021 and by 15th of every month from August onwards.


On 15th of every month during the operation of this scheme, employers will be required to provide the actual results for the previous month, together with a review of the original projections they provided so as to ensure they continue to remain valid.


The eligibility for EWSS must be reviewed on the last day of each month.  If the business is deemed ineligible, then that business must de-register for EWSS from the following day.


If, however, the situation changes, then the business can re-register again.


The following subsidy rates, based on employee’s gross pay per week, will continue to apply for the months of July, August and September 2021 as follows:

  • €400 and €1,462 gross per week, the subsidy is €350
  • €300 and €399.99 gross per week, the subsidy is €300
  • €203 and €299.99 gross per week, the subsidy is €250
  • €151.50 and €202.99 gross per week, the subsidy is €203.


Additional Points:

  1. EWSS support is available for Employers with a valid Tax Clearance Certificate, providing they can demonstrate that the Covid-19 Pandemic disrupted their business resulting in a reduction in their turnover or customer orders by at least 30%.
  2. Childcare businesses which have been registered in line with Section 58C of the Child Care Act 1991, are not required to meet the 30% reduction in turnover or customer order test to be eligible.
  3. As and from 1st July, 2021, the eligibility criteria for the scheme will be calculated with reference to a twelve month period, as opposed to the six month period, as before.
  4. Revenue requires employers to retain appropriate documentation, including copies of projections, to demonstrate continued eligibility over the specified period.
  5. Employers must operate normal deductions of Income Tax, USC and employee PRSI from employees’ wages/salaries on all EWSS payments through the payroll. A reduced rate of employer PRSI of 0.5% applies in relation to wages/salaries which are eligible for the subsidy payment.
  6. If an employer fails to complete and submit the EWSS Eligibility Review Form, this will result in the suspension of EWSS subsidy payments by Revenue.


For further information please visit: https://www.revenue.ie/en/employing-people/ewss/how-to-claim-for-employees-and-subsidy-rates.aspx